My grandparents organized a dice game to celebrate the Mooncake Festival this year. I love playing dice games, and it was even more exciting with MBS in tow. :) We had the dice game together with a birthday celebration dinner of a cousin of mine. Both events were held at Luk Foo, E. Rodriguez. This was the second time this year MBS played the game. The first time being with another set of relatives from MH's side. I wasn't able to get pictures of that since they had a different kind of setup for the game. MBS played well in this game, getting the bigger prizes among the three of us. :) She even got the first prize but MH got the higher point for the first prize. Still, the prize was with our family. hehe :) Till the next dice game! :) MH captured this. Our celebrity, MBS. Happy MBS :) Love that she's a sociable baby :) Blow the dice! :)