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Showing posts from December, 2013

MBS: First Christmas :)

Celebrating MBS's first Christmas at Edsa Shangri-la hotel :) I was more than excited to buy a female Santa Claus costume for MBS to celebrate the season to be jolly :) I saw the perfect attire being sold at Cutie Tots online shop. My little Ms. Santa Claus My two Christmas gifts :)  What do you want for Christmas? :) A merry Christmas from MBS and family :)

Starting with Enfapro A+

Today is a bittersweet day for the breastfeeding mother in me.  Today, MBS officially starts with formula milk. I still have a few bags of breast milk left in the freezer, but the advice of many is to test the formula milk first to see if MBS gets any allergies.  I tasted the milk a bit; I couldn't resist. And, surprisingly, it does taste like breast milk. hehe :)  Let's see how the feeding goes! :)

Shifting to formula.

The thought of having to buy formula milk saddens me.  MBS is 7 months now, and my milk supply is decreasing. I have, at most, a week's supply of frozen breast milk in my chest freezer right now.  I know that I should buy formula milk already, but the thought really saddens me. I feel like something really personal and meaningful to me is being taken away.  I've been feeling stressed out lately due to my minimal milk supply. And I know that stress is one main factor that causes that decrease. But the worry kicks in when I know that my milk supply isn't enough for MBS anymore.  I'm not giving up though. I just have to give in to the fact that I need to mix feed MBS with formula milk and breast milk.  MBS's pediatrician recommended Enfalac A+. I need to go formula milk shopping soon. :( least it was a good 7 months of pure breastfeeding - that's something that I can still be proud of.