A list of things that MBS can do Just a few days before she turns 2 A list of memories that I will cherish forever And an unconditional love that is beyond measure. MBS never fails to amaze me with what she can do at her age. There are tons of moments I forget that she's a little girl and just about to turn 2. We can hold conversations with her already. And her being able to understand us and respond in complete sentences, at her age, is something I am really proud of. The best part is that MBS is able to help us with mini-chores around the house. "Please put this in the hamper." and "Please throw this in the trash can." are regulars for her and she repeats these sentences to us at times. MBS walked in on me while I was inflating her floaters/beach ball for swimming. "Mommy, Haley naman." I gave her the inflator and left the room to get something. When I entered the room again, "Mommy, wait for (a) minute." ...