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Showing posts from May, 2014

MBS Travel: HK - Day 2

To start things off for the day, MH's aunt treated us to brunch at a nearby dim sum restaurant. Yum! MBS ate her share of congee and liked it too! Brunch time :) Any additional orders, MBS? :) Afterwards, we went to a nearby grocery mall. We had dinner plans with other uncles and aunties that night, and wine was in order. Spotted humongous strawberries on sale, and bought a box for MBS. There were pumpkins on sale as well and I found it fascinating how the pumpkins were being sold by piece and not by weight. Naturally, I got one of the bigger pieces. :) Say, "Aaaah." It might be a bit too early for pumpkin carving :) Juicy much, MBS? :) Night time came before we knew it, and it was time to prepare for the big night. MBS would like to thank her great aunt for her beautiful dress, and her aunt for her pink tiara :) On our way to celebrate MBS's first ride on the MTR  Certified Daddy's girl :) MH's cousin surprised ...

MBS Travel: HK - Day 1

MBS was such an angel on her first airplane ride abroad. :) I could not have wished for a better experience!  She fell asleep during take off and didn't wake up until the pilot announced that we were landing in a few minutes. Such an angel, really.  Preparing for the trip - what to bring, where to go, how to go from point A to point B with MBS in tow - was a whole different ball game.  While packing, MBS just didn't seem to have enough clothes, even if one side of my hard cased luggage was already filled with her clothes. One outfit a day never seemed enough. What if she got wet? What if she threw up? What if she soiled herself?  I would say that I packed around 20 outfits for MBS for our 5 day trip, excluding her outfit on the day itself and three more just-in-case outfits to be packed in her carry on. When MH saw what I had been doing, he talked some sense into me and asked me to pack lightly.  We were going to HK, not the North Pole.  ...