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Showing posts from January, 2016

Conversations with MBS at 2

While MH was scratching a mosquito bite, MBS went over to him and said, "Daddy, bo be pe ." (Daddy, do not scratch.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When MBS comes home from school, she always goes to MH to say, "Daddy, I to lai lo! " (Daddy, I'm home!" We have an uncle visiting us, so we ask MBS to say that to him as well. One day, however, I forgot to instruct her to tell her great uncle that she's home. So after greeting her dad, she looks at me and goes, "Mommy, Di Ku Kong le ?" (Mommy, where is Di Ku Kong [what she calls her great uncle]?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MBS sees me bring home Potato Corner and rushes to me. She has a wide smile on her face. She doesn't touch it though. Later on, she goes to me and asks, "Mommy, who is the fries for?" When I answer that its f...

Conversations with MBS at 2

It might be because I'm usually the disciplinarian or maybe because I say "NO" to most of her requests, but this conversation happened while I was in the room: MBS: Daddy, can I play with the pink one? (gesturing to the pink felt cloth I bought at a bazaar last month) MH: Go ask Mommy. (MBS looks at me, then back to her dad.) MBS: Daddy, I'll ask you nalang . At 2 years and 9 months, my daughter has learned the art of strategy. @_@